Touchstones Project
a theme-based ministry program
for Unitarian Universalist congregations

Worship Resources Packet
While the Worship Resources Packet is a benefit to ministers, it is primarily designed to support lay members in creating and presenting quality worship services whether in a lay-led congregation or congregations with a minister where lay led services are common.
The packet (30 to 50 pages long in a Word format) has 5 to 10 selections of material in each of twelve sections, all of which are thematically based. There is enough material to create and present two services on the theme. Materials come from the UUA’s Worship Web, our UU hymnals, UU and non-UU websites, and books and magazines.
The sections are:
Opening Words
Chalice Lightings
Hymns, Popular Music, and Choral Music
Stories & Illustrations
Responsive Readings
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Words
Excerpts of sermons with links to the full text
Readings from the Common Bowl
Stone Hedge, photo by m-a-c, December 19, 2009, (CC BY 2.0),
“Worship” comes from the
Old English word “weorthscipe.”
It means to consider things of worth.