Touchstones Project
a theme-based ministry program
for Unitarian Universalist congregations

Touchstones Journal
What compass are you using
to seek your true north?
The 8-page Touchstones Project Journal (pdf format) is the base of the program. It is emailed by the congregation to all members and friends at the beginning of each month to launch the theme. (The journal is also provided in Word format to make it easy to use individual pieces for different purposes.)
The journal seeks to connect people to the theme regardless of their level of involvement or attendance pattern. Not only can it be emailed to newcomers, people in the community can be invited to subscribe via email.
Congregations that don't meet during the summer still email the monthly journal to their members and friends as a way of keeping them connected to the congregation. The work of nurturing a congregation is too important to completely take the summer off. The summer issues help fill this gap in a meaningful way.
The journal includes an
Introduction to the Theme,
Wisdom Story for All Ages,
Faith & Theology section that explores the theme in-depth,
Family Matters section for use by parents,
Small Group Discussion Guide for adults,
Readings from the Common Bowl page (a daily quotation),
Diverse articles on the theme, and,
Beautiful photographs.
The themes, generally, and the journal, specifically, along with the discussion guides, are the basis for articulating and exploring an expansive Unitarian Universalist theology.

Stone Compass, photo by uetchy, March 11, 2012, (CC BY 2.0),