Touchstones Project
a theme-based ministry program
for Unitarian Universalist congregations

Supporting Small Group Ministry
When two or more are gathered,
it's time to discuss matters of consequence.
Two small group discussion guides are provided as Word documents for ease of copying, distributing, and use. This recognizes that the ideal meeting pattern for small group ministry is twice a month. The guides anticipate each discussion lasting 60 to 75 minutes. The first guide focuses on an exploration of the monthly theme, while the second guide goes in much greater depth with additional readings and other materials, as well as an extnedive list of discussion questions.
The first discussion guide is also included on the last page of the Touchstones Project Journal so that people can engage the theme in a group that they create or in personal reflection.
The second discussion guide is also repurposed as an Exploration, which can be distributed to the congregation for use in individual reflection on the monthly theme.
Limbourg, photo by glasseyes view, June 28, 2016, (CC BY-SA 2.0),
Examples of Netcards