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For Your Consideration

An Intriguing Way

of Doing Church

A Unitarian Universalist congregation can transform the people it serves, inspiring them to help transform the world. This requires an intentional, sustained, integrated, holistic process of deepening that informs, nurtures, and challenges.

Developed over twelve years, this theme-based ministry project has been dramatically expanded to make a meaningful difference in people's lives within your congregation.


We invite you:

     1. To browse our website to learn how

          what we offer can transform

          your programming.


     2. To request our materials for the  

          theme of beauty to facilitate a

          comprehensive review by your staff           and key volunteers.


     3. To schedule a call with us so that we

         can answer any questions that you

         may have.


     4. To order a trial-subscription for

          three months to implement and

          evaluate our program.


     5. To extend your subscription for the

          balance of the program year, which

          ends in August of each year.


Click here for information about subscriptions.


August Theme


Can’t Teach HRJ.jpg
Heart HRJ.jpg
Stones with words like hope, love, and peace engraved on them.
Footsteps HRJ.jpg

Special for 2023-2024

 The annual theme for the the year September 2023 to August 2024 year is Reimagining the Common Good. The monthly themes include the seven values that are proposed for Section C-2.2. Values and Covenant in Article II of the UUA Bylaws: Love, Interdependence, Pluralism, Justice, Transformation, Generosity, and Equity to replace the seven principles. See the 

Overview for 2023-2024 by

clicking the PDF icon.


Theme-Based Ministry Project

7408 East Long Circle, Centennial, CO 80112


T: 303-949-6393

© 2023 by The Theme-Based Ministry Project, proudly created with

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